Final conference

The links to the presentations and posters of our final conference are to find here:

 Program of the REFOWAS final conference

from 09:00



Welcome and opening of the conference

Prof. Dr. Folkhard Isermeyer, Präsident des Thünen-Instituts

Greeting words

Florian Frank, Referatsleiter für Grundsatzfragen Nachhaltigkeit, Klima, Energie im BMBF

Dr. Klaus Heider, Abteilungsleiter für Ernährungspolitik, Produktsicherheit und Innovation im BMEL


Keynote: „Nachhaltigkeit, Wissenschaft, Politik“

Prof. Dr. Günther Bachmann, Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung


The REFOWAS research project, Presentation here

Dr. Thomas Schmidt (Thünen-Institut)


Presentations and discussion of the project results, part 1

Food waste and prevention approach in school catering, Presentation here (DE)
Antonia Blumenthal und Frank Waskow (Verbraucherzentrale NRW)

Chances and limits of the avoidance of bakery product losses, Presentation here (DE)
Dominik Leverenz und Gerold Hafner (Universität Stuttgart)


Lunch break


Presentations and discussion of the project results, part 2

Food losses and treatment options along the value chain of fruits and vegetables, Presentation here (DE)
Dr. Sabine Ludwig-Ohm und Dr. Walter Dirksmeyer (Thünen-Institut)

Pathways to a sustainable handling of food in private households, Presentation here (DE)
Franziska Koch und Dr. Erika Claupein (Max Rubner-Institut)

National balance and environmental effects of food losses, Presentation here (DE)
Sandra Baumgardt und Dr. Thomas Schmidt (Thünen-Institut)



Discussion in small groups (school catering Poster, bakery products Poster, fruits and vegetables Poster, private households Poster, national balance (LCA) Poster)


Event End

Moderation: Bernhard Osterburg, Thünen-Institut für Ländliche Räume


Impressions (Michael Reitz Fotografie



              Prof. Dr. Folkhard Isermeyer
                                               Florian Frank   

                    Dr. Klaus Heider                                                  
Prof. Dr. Günther Bachmann